Anya Marinas' MySpace has just realesed an new song from the New Moon Soundtrack called "Satellite Heart" and it so beautiful. It's not exactly what I would expect from the soundtrack but I defanatly like it. Here are the lyrics and I think they go really well with the with the story line. I hope you guys like it as much as I do!
"So pretty, so smart
Such a waste of a young heart!
What a pity, what a sham,
What’s the matter with you, man?
Don’t you see it’s wrong, can’t you get it right?
Out of mind and outta sight.
Call on all your girls, don’t forget the boys,
Put a lid on all that noise!
I’m a satellite heart, lost in the dark.
I’m spun out so far, you stop, I start,
But I’ll be true to you.
I hear you’re living out of state,
Running in a whole new scene.
They say i haven’t slept in weeks,
You’re the only thing I see.
I’m a satellite heart, lost in the dark,
I’m spun out so far, you stop, I start,
But I’ll be true to you.
I’m a satellite heart, lost in the dark,
I’m spun out so far, you stop I start.
But I’ll be true to you no matter what you do,
Yeah I’ll be true to you."
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Jennifer Love Hewitt Loves Robert Patz / Edward Cullen
It appers that Robward has yet another celebirty crushing on him. Jennifer Love Hewitt was on Ellen on monday confessing her obssesion for Twilight. And appperentlty she wants to carry his luggage," My dream is just to carry Rob Pattinson luggage". Watch the video below.
love hewitt,
new moon,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Ashley Tweets - Jackson Injured
Here's the scoop so far.
Our beloved Jackson Rathbone was "slightly injured yesterday during a fight scene rehearsal".
But he's okay right?
Rep. says yes. (Phew)
And of course he is back to work today!
What a trooper, like Ashley put it when she twitted about it. = )
ashley greene,
eclipse the movie,
jackson rathbone,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Ashley Green Tweets Eclipse News
Ashley Green tweets about exciting new scene in Eclipse.
Hmm... what could it be?
Fight seguence maybe?
ashley greene,
eclipse movie,
Monday, September 21, 2009
Welcome Ashley Green to Twitter!
Yes this is the one and only authentic Ashley Green from Twilight.
Specialy confirmed by PFach.
Add her!
Love ya' Ash! ; )
Specialy confirmed by PFach.
Add her!
Love ya' Ash! ; )
ashley greene,
peter facinelli,
twilight saga,
Friday, September 18, 2009
Rob Tweeets!
Rob tweets his first and last tweet on PFach's Twitter. While yes it is just a small little hello, it means the world to all us Twisessed and Robsessed people here.
Thanks a million and one PFach!
Rob- Who's your daddy?
Sorry, just had to say it haha...
Thanks a million and one PFach!
Rob- Who's your daddy?
Sorry, just had to say it haha...
peter facinelli,
Robert pattinson,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
David Slade Being Strangled by Jackson!
Haha now this is a picture I wan't to see! Hopefully he uploads it soon. = )
I wonder what scene they shot????
david slade,
jackson rathbone,
peter facinelli,
David Slade - Working with the Wolves
David Slade tweeted he will be working with "wolves" again.
Woohoo! Is everyone loving the new director as much as me!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Taylor Lautner "Fed to the SheWolves" at VMA's
Yes it is just a figure of speach. But look at this video of Hollywood Access interviewing Taylor.
He is so sweeeet!
He is so sweeeet!
Kristen Stewart Looks Adorable!
So last night Kristen, Robert, Taylor presented the New Moon Extended Trailer at the VMA's
and I was personally waiting to see what Kristen was goin to where and what she was going to do with her hair. To my suprise she looked absolutly STUNNING! The new hair do really goes with her and the dress and heels were adorable. Kristen you should dress more often.
and I was personally waiting to see what Kristen was goin to where and what she was going to do with her hair. To my suprise she looked absolutly STUNNING! The new hair do really goes with her and the dress and heels were adorable. Kristen you should dress more often.
Awww! They look so cute together, Taylor looks a littke akward though.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
New Moon Official Full Length Tralier in HD!
The other traliers that we have posted have not been official, but this one is and its in HD. Enjoy!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Dance Flick Makes Fun of Twilight!
So I was watching Dance Flick tonight and at the very end of the movie they make fun of the Twilight prom scene. Its really funny , so go ahead and check it out below.
Full Length New Moon Tralier
So I know theres already 2 post about this, but there I found this version of the tralier and its about 16 seconds longer and its worth watching agian!
Agian I'm speechless, and unble to control my screaming!
Agian I'm speechless, and unble to control my screaming!
Friday, September 11, 2009
(Screams with Excitement)YAY! New Moon Movie Trailer!
Twinky: Im speechless!
JazzyCakes: This is beyond my expectations! On totally new level like a 500!
JazzyCakes: This is beyond my expectations! On totally new level like a 500!
New Moon trailer at VMA's: The Details!
MTV has released the details about the the New Moon tralier set to premier at the VMA's on Sunday at 9:00pm. Will you be watching? I know I will !
"The element that will probably get the most people excited is the inclusion of Dakota Fanning as the evil vampire Jane (only briefly glimpsed in the last trailer), who has the power to create illusions of pain. The new trailer opens up with a shot of her in Volturi garb and then shows the rest of the Volturi guard before revealing Michael Sheen’s Aro — the head of the Volturi — snapping a poor human’s neck.The trailer then hits lightly on Edward breaking up with Bella and the heartbreaking shot of her lying bereft on the forest floor. But it quickly moves on to Bella seeing a vision of Edward with his car at Forks High, and then we see Jacob comforting her after the fact. One of the locations the twosome are sitting at is the movie theater in the scene Mike Welch and Taylor Lautner fought so hard to keep in the film".
"Director Chris Weitz showed how he kicked the CGI up to the next level by including clips of Bella trying to outrace visions of Edward on her motorcycle and a lot more of the cliff jump than was showed in “Meet Jacob Black.” It is almost a work of art as Bella is floating under the water and sees Edward hovering upside down next to her after her jump. When an arm comes to pull her out of the water, she reaches out to touch Edward, and the illusion gets muddled and washed away".
"The rest of the trailer revolves around Alice telling Bella about Edward’s plan, Bella’s epic run to save him, hints of some abs as Edward prepares to walk shirtless into the sunlight and some shots of the Volturi looking ready to kill spliced with a full wolf pack transformation. Bella’s token line, “No, Edward, don’t!” is thrown in for good measure, and the trailer ends on a high note, with Jane stating, “This may hurt just a little.”"
"The element that will probably get the most people excited is the inclusion of Dakota Fanning as the evil vampire Jane (only briefly glimpsed in the last trailer), who has the power to create illusions of pain. The new trailer opens up with a shot of her in Volturi garb and then shows the rest of the Volturi guard before revealing Michael Sheen’s Aro — the head of the Volturi — snapping a poor human’s neck.The trailer then hits lightly on Edward breaking up with Bella and the heartbreaking shot of her lying bereft on the forest floor. But it quickly moves on to Bella seeing a vision of Edward with his car at Forks High, and then we see Jacob comforting her after the fact. One of the locations the twosome are sitting at is the movie theater in the scene Mike Welch and Taylor Lautner fought so hard to keep in the film".
"Director Chris Weitz showed how he kicked the CGI up to the next level by including clips of Bella trying to outrace visions of Edward on her motorcycle and a lot more of the cliff jump than was showed in “Meet Jacob Black.” It is almost a work of art as Bella is floating under the water and sees Edward hovering upside down next to her after her jump. When an arm comes to pull her out of the water, she reaches out to touch Edward, and the illusion gets muddled and washed away".
"The rest of the trailer revolves around Alice telling Bella about Edward’s plan, Bella’s epic run to save him, hints of some abs as Edward prepares to walk shirtless into the sunlight and some shots of the Volturi looking ready to kill spliced with a full wolf pack transformation. Bella’s token line, “No, Edward, don’t!” is thrown in for good measure, and the trailer ends on a high note, with Jane stating, “This may hurt just a little.”"
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Video - Jackson Rathbone Greets Contestants
Here is an awesome video I found on of Jackson Rathbone in his Jasper attire, greeting three lovely contestants, one of which has the chance to win a role on "New Moon"!
"Lainey from says that sabrina is gonna play vera... rosalies best friend as a human :)
Jackson Rathbone speaks to the three finalists of "Mission Hollywood", a german TV show. The winner of the show gets a part in the third movie of Twilight. - Sorry for the bad quality, I just want to upload this video. I think Jackson is quite charming here. "
He is quite charming! Always! (With a huge smile on my face.)
He is such a shmexy tease! I love it! Haha... (Still smiling!)
"Lainey from says that sabrina is gonna play vera... rosalies best friend as a human :)
Jackson Rathbone speaks to the three finalists of "Mission Hollywood", a german TV show. The winner of the show gets a part in the third movie of Twilight. - Sorry for the bad quality, I just want to upload this video. I think Jackson is quite charming here. "
He is quite charming! Always! (With a huge smile on my face.)
He is such a shmexy tease! I love it! Haha... (Still smiling!)
Peter Facinelli - Wants to Give Us Special Twi-Shout Out!
Peter wants to hit a million followers on Twitter and I'm sure he'll get it if he going to try and give us a special treat by getting Rob or Taylor to tweet us a special shoutout!
So go ahead and follow PFach!
Who do you guys want the shoutout to be from?
Both of course!
Or three if Kristen decides to be kind enough to tweet a lil something.
peter facinelli,
Robert pattinson,
taylor lautner,
Midnight Sun Imposters!
Okay so appearantly some people are trying to give people a chance to win "Midnight Sun" books by advertisments in popular socail sites.
But guess what this is a lie! If your a major huge fan you should know that "Midnight Sun" isn't even out yet, just released onto the web without permission. = [ (tear)
So don't fall for these false Ads.
Don't give out your info. to these creeps, okay.
Posted on Stephanies Meyer's Website:
“Hi. I hope everyone is having a great week.
It has come to my attention through several concerned emails that many popular websites like MySpace and Facebook are displaying ads offering a chance to win Midnight Sun. This is a hoax. I would advise against giving out any personal information or even clicking on the links.”
[Twi-Source - Read more at]
But guess what this is a lie! If your a major huge fan you should know that "Midnight Sun" isn't even out yet, just released onto the web without permission. = [ (tear)
So don't fall for these false Ads.
Don't give out your info. to these creeps, okay.
Posted on Stephanies Meyer's Website:
“Hi. I hope everyone is having a great week.
It has come to my attention through several concerned emails that many popular websites like MySpace and Facebook are displaying ads offering a chance to win Midnight Sun. This is a hoax. I would advise against giving out any personal information or even clicking on the links.”
[Twi-Source - Read more at]
The Hillywood Show Interview on Twilight Parody gave an awesome interview to The Hillywood Show, who made the fantastic "Twilight Parody", created by the two creative sisters Hillary and Hannah Hindi.
Here's a little bit of the interview:
TG:Where is the parody filmed?
THS:Everything we have ever created has been shot in Las Vegas, NV.
TG:Looking at the video’s they’ve mastered the “look” of each character, how was that achieved?
THS:Well, we had to study promotional photos of the characters and watch “Twilight” a few times to get it right. Then we had to do make-up testing on all the cast members to make sure they fit the part.
TG:What can we expect to see in the NM parody?
THS:We can’t say too much since we want it to be a surprise, but it will be different from “Twilight Parody”.
TG:Are you thinking of doing a parody for all the Twilight movies?
THS:We would love to! However, we have to wait for the motion picture to come out just like the fans. So, our productions will always come out later than the actual movie.
[Twi-Source - Check out more of the interview at]
Here's a little bit of the interview:
TG:Where is the parody filmed?
THS:Everything we have ever created has been shot in Las Vegas, NV.
TG:Looking at the video’s they’ve mastered the “look” of each character, how was that achieved?
THS:Well, we had to study promotional photos of the characters and watch “Twilight” a few times to get it right. Then we had to do make-up testing on all the cast members to make sure they fit the part.
TG:What can we expect to see in the NM parody?
THS:We can’t say too much since we want it to be a surprise, but it will be different from “Twilight Parody”.
TG:Are you thinking of doing a parody for all the Twilight movies?
THS:We would love to! However, we have to wait for the motion picture to come out just like the fans. So, our productions will always come out later than the actual movie.
[Twi-Source - Check out more of the interview at]
New Eclipse Photos!
Yay! New Eclipse photos! Woot Woot!
Smok'in Rob/Edward!
Upset Bella?
Fix'in the hair!
Smiles! Finally!
Even from the side its dazzling!
It's true! Black volovo!
Still looks hot with this volvo though, lol.
Taylor! Giving ride to stunt double Bella?
[Twi-Source - Thanks!]
New Moon and Eclipse Cars
Shocker I know the shiny silver volvo replaced with a black one for Eclipse! Gasp!
Here are some pics. of the automobiles.
Here are some pics. of the automobiles.
Woohoo! Lovin that school bus.
Emmet (The Bear) Jeep!
And we all have seen this porsche before!
Gasp! Black!
new moon and eclipse cars,
school bus,
New Photos - Forks High School
Here are some pics that were taken by Malicious Mandy's Mind of green screens used to create Forks High School with CGI.
Thanks Malicious Mandy for taking and posting these awesome photos!
To see more of Forks High School click here!
Forks High school,
twilight set
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wild Bobby Long Concert Exit
As you might have heard of before on other sites, Nikki, Paris, Rob and Kristen went to a Bobby Long Concert and you might of heard that it was pretty hectic.
Check it out for yourself in this video.
It gets pretty crazy, from someone calling Kristen, who plays our beloved Bella in Twilight, the B Word!(Thats a big no no!)
To even a paparazi complaining about all the people with cameras!
Now that just hilarious!
"Oh sorry were making your sleezy job to hard for you... Not!"
- JazzyCakes
Check out Malicious Mandy's Mind for more on what went down.
Here is a video I found with pictures of Rob and Kristen leaving.
Just skip to 0:35 if you don't want to see the rest.
Check it out for yourself in this video.
It gets pretty crazy, from someone calling Kristen, who plays our beloved Bella in Twilight, the B Word!(Thats a big no no!)
To even a paparazi complaining about all the people with cameras!
Now that just hilarious!
"Oh sorry were making your sleezy job to hard for you... Not!"
- JazzyCakes
Check out Malicious Mandy's Mind for more on what went down.
Here is a video I found with pictures of Rob and Kristen leaving.
Just skip to 0:35 if you don't want to see the rest.
Death Cab For Cutie Video Update
Okay so there will not be a cameo of Rob, Kristen or Taylor. But hey who thought that was actually going to happen? They're to busy flying back and fourth filming movies making appereances and of course still have time to go watch a Bobby Long and Kings on Leon concert (giggles)...
But any ways here is some more news on the Meet Me on the Equinox Video...
“Their first idea was to go big, as in “cameos by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.” Of course, that was mostly just wishful thinking, so they went with option number two: make a smart, stylish clip with the directorial tandem known as Walter Robot, a pair of guys known for making smart, stylish clips (including DCFC’s VMA-nominated “Grapevine Fires”).”
So what do you guys think?
Sad? Yet still excited?
Well get ready to get even more excited!
Click here to hear a whole full 30 seconds of the song! Whoop whoop!
Thanks Twilight Poison for posting!
[Twi-Source - Twilight Lexicon]
But any ways here is some more news on the Meet Me on the Equinox Video...
“Their first idea was to go big, as in “cameos by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.” Of course, that was mostly just wishful thinking, so they went with option number two: make a smart, stylish clip with the directorial tandem known as Walter Robot, a pair of guys known for making smart, stylish clips (including DCFC’s VMA-nominated “Grapevine Fires”).”
So what do you guys think?
Sad? Yet still excited?
Well get ready to get even more excited!
Click here to hear a whole full 30 seconds of the song! Whoop whoop!
Thanks Twilight Poison for posting!
[Twi-Source - Twilight Lexicon]
Monday, September 7, 2009
Billy Burke Gives Us Some Details on Filming Eclipse Via Twitter
Billy Burke gives us a short little information about whats going on in Eclipse and how everyone is getting along.
What could he possibley mean by "no major bulls#it" ?
Well anyways, keep rockin Billy.
- JazzyCakes
Peter Facinelli Kicking New Born Vanpire Butt Tomorrow
On Twitter, PFach (as he likes to be called on Twitter) twitted that he'll be kicking some new born vamp butt tomorrow on Eclipse. Eeeekkk! [excited eeeek]
I can't wait to see how this movie turns out with all the action!
- JazzyCakes
New Still of Bella and Edward
Isn't he beautifullll... I mean isn't it beautiful. (sigh)
Okay well here is this new still form New Moon. Bella and Edward of course looking lovingly into each others eyes; one more then the other. Can you tell which?
I don't know about you guys but I love this Edward! Fits my expectations much more because he looks much more handsomer. Though I do love it how Rob says "buoffant".
Oh! and did you notice he has man-y eyebrows again! Yay! Still wild yet tamed.
Taming of the wild beast... (hmm...)
Oh and plus did I mention that I am so jealous of this mans eyelashes! What is up with that! Not fair in my opinion. Everday I wake up to this gorgous poster of him next to my mirror and as I am getting ready for the day and start to curl my eyelashes... (I have to admit it) I model my eyelashes after his, LOL.
- JazzyCakes
Come on people don't be so shy.
I know you wanna comment about this shmexy man, oh and Bella too. = P
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Taylor and Jackson Say Hi to (Team) Switzerland
Okay so they didn't say hi to Team Switzerland specifically, but they did to Switzerland!
Check out the videos.
Taylor so smiley as always. = )
And Jackson being quite the smexy teaser in this video don't you think?
[Twi-Source - Confessions of a TwiCrack Addict]
Check out the videos.
Taylor so smiley as always. = )
And Jackson being quite the smexy teaser in this video don't you think?
[Twi-Source - Confessions of a TwiCrack Addict]
jackson rathbone,
new moon movie,
taylor lautner
Jackson Rathbone Talks New Moon and 100 Monkeys
Here is a video of an interview of Jackson Rathbone talking about New Moon, 100 Monkeys and sticking up for his Twi-Fans!
"First of all I have to say our fans are real sweet..."
- Jackson Rathbone
Hey! Were not all freaky... okay well most of us... sheesh who am I kidding, were obsessed can you blame us!
We love you Jackson!
Not only do you have a sexy smile but you are an awesome actor, singer and your also hella FUNNY!
- JazzyCakes
100 monkeys,
jackson rathbone,
new moon movie
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Kristen and Rob Singing
Here is a video I found of Kristen and Rob singing.
I already knew that Rob and Kristen sang. Kristen sings in the movie Into the Wild and Rob sings in real life, well sang. His song Let Me Sign is on the Twilight Soundtrack. Which I love! But we'll talk about that some other time.
Yet what I found interesting about this video is that it has an actaul video of Rob singing, I was Brocken!
- JazzyCakes
- JazzyCakes
kristen stewart,
Robert pattinson,
Corn Maze - Jacob, Edward or Team Switzerland?
Click photos to view larger.
Look at these incredible mazes of Team Jacob and Team Edward!
Aren't they cool?
I wouldn't mind getting lost in that.
If ownly there was a better aireil view of Team Edward.
(We love you Black Island Farms for making something so awesome!)
corn maze new moon movie,
team edward,
team jacob
Location of New Moon Movie Premier Found!
Thank you who has posted where the New Moon Movie Premier will be at!!!
And the theatre and time where it will appearing is on ...dun dun dun... November 16th at the Village Theatre and Bruin Theatre in Los Angeles!
Will you be there?
Well get in line ladies and gents because this is for sure on of the most anticipated movie of 2009.
Friday, September 4, 2009
New! New Moon Movie Poster!
Tada!!! Here is the new New Moon Movie poster that I think we've all been waiting to see.
Bella and Edward in an intense embrace with intense looks!
I love it! Its just a kind of poster I wanted to see. The intense eyes, embrace, and plus look at Edwards hand, its looks so possesive over Bella and yet a little weird.
edward cullen,
new moon movie
New Moon Tickets On Sale NOW!!!!!
New Moon tickets just went on sale on
make sure to get your before there SOLD OUT!!!!
Link Above!
Link Above!
A Lesson About Team Switzerland
I stubbled upon this great article on that explains not only why Switzerland is neutral but many other facts about this country.
And of course the all so famous line that gave us the idea to name our blog Team Switzerland.
Bella -
"I want you to know something — when it comes to all this enemies nonsense, I’m out. I am a neutral country. I am Switzerland. I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes between mythical creatures... I don’t care who’s a werewolf and who’s a vampire."
— Eclipse, Stephenie Meyer
Why is Switzerland neutral?
"Switzerland has a long history of neutrality, and has not been at war in nearly 200 years — not since the Napoleonic Wars in 1815! In that year, the Congress of Vienna fully re-established Swiss independence following the French invasion, and European powers agreed to permanently recognize Swiss neutrality. Traditionally, Switzerland avoids alliances that might lead to military, polical or direct economic action. By declaring itself a neutral country, Switerzland agreed it would not take sides in all future wars. This is why Bella claims she is “Switzerland” in Eclipse. In the “war” between vampires and shapeshifters, she has chosen to remain neutral — she refuses to pick a side.
As a neutral country, Switzerland has also served as an intermediary between other countries and maintains diplomatic relations with almost all other countries. Interestingly, however, Switzerland did not become a full member of the United Nations until 2002. Switzerland is also independent of the European Union — the Swiss have rejected membership in the Union since the early 1990s.
Switzerland’s neutrality is a large reason many international institutions call the country home. These include the World Health Organization, the International Economic Forum and the Red Cross.
And because of its neutrality, the Swiss armed forces do not take part in any armed conflicts in other countries. Instead, Swiss troops take part in peacekeeping missions around the world. The Swiss Guard is also the official policing unit for Vatican City."
Chris Weitz Interview
Here is one of the best (in my opinion) interviews given to Chris Weitz so far. They really don't repeat any of the same questions we've heard a million times and he really gets into the details of filming New Moon.

Thank you! = D
Click HERE to read the rest.
Edward Hair Moment
Here is some Edward fix for all of you.
I've never seen this picture before I discovered it on
I think its kind of adorable. Don't you?
Sooo... ENJOY!
Funny Friday - Another Cartoon
Found this on a long time ago and I thought it was hilarious.
I don't know who drew this but whoever you are "Kudos!"
It's a great drawing. = )
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Twilight Experience
Here are some more pictures of our Twilight Experience, when we went to the Twilight Special Screening Event at San Diego the first day of Comic Con.
We'll continue to add more photos over time.
We'll continue to add more photos over time.
Twilight Lexicon Puts the Record Straight
Rumors going around that supposodley Robsten are engaged, but Twilight Lexicon puts the record straight by showing these convincing photos.
Check it out here.
What do you guys think?
Is OK Magazine telling the truth or should they check their facts twice?
Old MTV Interview of Rob
Here is an old interview one lucky lady got to do with the one and only Robert Pattinson.
I've never seen this interview so thats why I decided to post.
Haha... This was obviously done when he still didn't have world wide fame.
Simple, funny, smiley Rob = My favourite Rob. :D [Smiles]
I've never seen this interview so thats why I decided to post.
Haha... This was obviously done when he still didn't have world wide fame.
Simple, funny, smiley Rob = My favourite Rob. :D [Smiles]
Robert pattinson,
Jackson Gives Inside Scoop on Eclipse
"Just thinking it and transferring it through the eyes, which are the windows to the soul — even to the soulless."
- Jackson Rathbone A.K.A. Jasper Hale
- Jackson Rathbone A.K.A. Jasper Hale
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