So as many people that know me know I have an obsession with Kellan Lutz who plays Emmet Cullen in the Twilight Saga franchise. I call him " The Bear " because if your a fan of the books you'll know that Emmet was being malled by a bear when Rosalie found him and so the name just kinda stuck ever since. So from time to time I will be posting some obssesion related material on this blog so that I can transfer the obsession on to you guys too. As if you guys aren't obsessed enough already.
So the reason I love Kellan so much is because he's so sweet and hilarious. He has bangin body and he's GORGEOUS. I never mett kellan in person but I have been a 30 to 40 foot radious from him in an intament enviorment. If your wondering how close that is , let just that I could see his beatiful dimples and beautiful green eyes. I also love him because he smiled at me, laughed and looked at my camera when I was confessing my love to him by ridiculously yelling " I love you Emmet The Bear " at the Twilight Expirience in San Diego in July. So for that and reasons I can't think of now, is why I love Kellan Lutz.
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