Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wild Bobby Long Concert Exit

As you might have heard of before on other sites, Nikki, Paris, Rob and Kristen went to a Bobby Long Concert and you might of heard that it was pretty hectic.

Check it out for yourself in this video.
It gets pretty crazy, from someone calling Kristen, who plays our beloved Bella in Twilight, the B Word!(Thats a big no no!)
To even a paparazi complaining about all the people with cameras!
Now that just hilarious!
"Oh sorry were making your sleezy job to hard for you... Not!"

- JazzyCakes

Check out Malicious Mandy's Mind for more on what went down.

Here is a video I found with pictures of Rob and Kristen leaving.
Just skip to 0:35 if you don't want to see the rest.

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