Friday, October 30, 2009

Director Chris Weitz Talks About How Much the Wolf Pack Has Changed


As many or all of you have noticed the Wolf Pack has gotten much scarier and realistic transfermations from the first time we saw the Jacob transformation into a wolf.

Here is what Chris Weitz had to say about the new Wolf Pack transformation.

"Every CGI shot goes through sometimes hundreds of iterations," director Chris Weitz explained. "Like, for instance, that first shot we put out was a work in progress. It was probably version 150 or something. That shot itself is now at version 550, I think."

Lots of tinkering went on in the four months from when the first trailer was released until the most recent teasers, but that's not even the final version that's going to be seen in theaters. "We're still tweaking them to the last possible day," he said.

With the release of "New Moon" less than a month away, that day looms ever closer. Fortunately, the wolves are looking significantly more terrifying than they did the first time around.

"They're much scarier by now. That was always the aim," Weitz said. "The aim was to make them as fierce as possible, and they just got more and more and more dangerous as time went on."

Recent trailers have shown the wolf pack in its entirety, and Jacob is not the only werewolf fans have seen change. Still, his jumping transformation was the money shot Weitz wanted to make sure "New Moon" viewers saw — even though the animation hadn't been perfected yet.

"We really wanted to show with that first trailer [that] there were going to be these werewolves; that we could turn a guy into a werewolf in midflight, which was no small achievement," Weitz said. "We were putting out a proof of the concept at the time, but it wasn't the full-fledged, pimped-out wolf that it was going to end up being."

[Twi-Source - MTV]

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